The Bavarian Detectorist
Rescuing History & connecting Detectorist 

The Bavarian Detectorist 

(Saving History & Connecting Detectorist from around the World)



This  Homepage is  to Inform and show you what I (We ) do in this hobby.. 


  • My biggest goal is to rescue as much history as possible before it get's destroyed through ploughing or other farming Activities.
  •    All Historical finds get reported to the German Heritage office (Denkmalschutzamt)
  • My organised International Hunts are Limited to 30 people Max. and are Fundraising events .. There is nothing hidden and the participants vote who wins the first prize ..
  • In the first year (2015) i was able to donate € 115,00 for the renovation of a chapel out of th 17th Century and two Bronze Age Bracelets from roughly 2500 BC to our community. In 2018 i donated (rounded up by my Familie) € 600,00 for 2016 & 2017 for a Kindergarden and the Chapel project. In 2018 we raised another 
  • € 300,00 that was donated on the 14 June 2019 to the town of Seubersdorf for a Social project.
  • 2019 and 2020 another €600,00(rounded up by myself) was raised and donated for the Kindergarden and the Chapel project.
  •  In the year 2021 we raised another €500,00 for the Kindergarden and Chapel and also Bronze age Artifacts that were found, where donated to the community 
  • In 2022  another €500,00 was donated on the  International Hunt to the Mare of Deining.
  • In 2023 another €500,00 will be/or was donated to the community.
  • In 2024 we raised €900,00 and we will donate this to 2 Kindergarden and the Chapel project which 
  • is a Heritage site.  
  • Though if you Subscribe to my YouTube channel, i would be able to raise more funds for charity.
  • At the bottom right corner you  can see where i will be next.. (and you are welcome to say hello if you see me) 
  • If you want to get into contact with me you can either use the contact button or email me : 
  • or join my Facebook group ..
  • you can also follow me on YouTu be ( The Bavarian Detectorist )